Farmanaut services
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Farmanaut services
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Explore. Monitor. Anticipate.
Save resources and boost your data-driven pharmaceutical strategy with Farmanaut services.
Data is essential to a competitive pharmaceutical strategy.
This is easier said than done:
How do you efficiently gather, monitor and keep drug data up to date?Do you easily monitor moves of your competitors in e.g. prices, reimbursements and commercialization in Belgium?
How do you integrate scattered drug data sources into analysis reports?
How do you group them on therapeutic domain, molecule or trade name?
And how do you keep these reports up-to-date?
Can you reconstruct timelines of past events in the Belgian drug market such as authorization, availability and reimbursement?
Farmanaut services in a nutshell
Gain competitive advantage through the life cycle of an authorized drug.
Watch an example of the Farmanaut core implementation below.
Browse integrated and daily updated post-authorization data from Belgian and European drug agencies.
Turn potential markets or new therapeutic areas inside out in a breeze.
Monitor daily, weekly or monthly changes by brand, molecule class, therapeutic area, etc.
Save days of frustrating research thanks to instant price, reimbursement and administrative data reports.
Keep track of your product portfolio and its prescribability.
Stay ahead of your competitors with personalized email notifications, proactive information and comparisons.
Interested in the Farmanaut core or custom extensions for your needs?
Integrate your in-house datasets such as sales data
or create personalized dashboards and reports at your needs.
Our team offers customized developments on request.Request your free Farmanaut services demo:
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